Cancer consultant Dr Hugo de la Peña has raised more than £10,000 for cancer research

Breast cancer consultant and professional speaker Dr Hugo De La Peña has raised £10,000 for Cancer Research UK after taking part in the London Marathon for the second time. He crossed the line in around five hours with his wife Alison
Dr. Hugo De La Peña, one of the UK’s leading breast cancer consultants, has successfully raised £10,000 for Cancer Research UK after participating in the London Marathon for the second time. Dr. Hugo, who has been a cancer consultant with the NHS for over five years, has consistently supported cancer charities throughout his medical and scientific career.
Reflecting on the marathon, Dr. Hugo stated, “The London Marathon is many things including a wonderful, unique victory lap from all the hard work, training runs, and fundraising. The London Marathon will always be one of the best days of my life, but it is also a monumental display of human defiance against illness, unfairness, and misfortune.”
Cancer Research UK is the country’s leading cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research. Dr. Hugo’s commitment to the charity is evident, having opened Race for Life events, recruited media volunteers, and appeared in national TV advertising campaigns since 2022.
Through his marathon efforts, Dr. Hugo has cumulatively raised £10,000, with the recent April Marathon being a particularly inspirational event. Running alongside his wife Alison, the couple completed the course in just over five hours.
Describing the marathon experience, Dr. Hugo said, “Once in your ‘wave’ waiting to get going, you feel what can only be described as if you are a warrior before battle or an elite athlete before a gold medal event. You then get these waves of overwhelming pride and emotion when you just want to cry, and I remember feeling so, so grateful beyond words to all my patients and donors who had supported me and sent me the loveliest messages imaginable.”
Alison, determined to beat her previous time, stayed by Dr. Hugo’s side despite his pain from a previous injury. Dr. Hugo recounted, “She stayed with me. Not only did she stay, but she kept reminding me that we were there together and would finish together. That was true love right there.”
Funds raised through events like the London Marathon enable Cancer Research UK to continue their vital research into improving outcomes for all types of cancer. Dr. Hugo emphasized his unwavering commitment to this cause, saying, “For me, the drive has always been the hunger to kill cancer, knowing that even though we kill cancer most days, that’s not good enough. We need to kill cancer every day, and that day my determination only increased and became even more cemented.”
Dr. Hugo De La Peña’s dedication and efforts serve as an inspiring example of how individual contributions can make a significant impact in the fight against cancer.